Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

      The pavement lurches to the right and my legs follow like a train on a track. Head down in the blue light, the first few houses pass. The pounding in my ears stop momentarily, and the silence sets in. The light ceases and my head jerks up, only to be filled with melodic pounding once again. My sight is gone, light no longer lighting the path. Seconds pass, and I am able to see now, see the blur of colors and shapes for what they were on the surface. I am halfway home now. I see no people whatsoever, nor do I wish to see people. I turn the last curb and jet down in a straight line, with illuminating lights perched on poles, aligned with the street. I reach my house, walk through the cracked driveway and knock on the door. As I wait for an answer I see my neighborhood. Quaint,


  1. I like your introduction and seriously, great descriptive words. Only thing is... how does this relate to the story? Where's your input on what would happen if two groups who had different race, culture, etc. clash? Good imagery though.

  2. It was quite the fascinating read. It was quick with very expressive words. I enjoyed it too, but I must say how does the passage that you wrote relate to the title???

  3. Ugh! Now I gotta reply and think. I didn't think it had to actually relate to the story Ayanna, the way it was described by Mr. McCarthy sounded like us walking into our own neighborhood. And to Alexis it relates because literally, there goes the neighborhood, it just slips by me, quick with little imprinted of it in my mind. All because of technology like my ipod, phone, etc.

  4. Amazing use of descriptive words Alejandro ! I really liked the way that the setting is placed. I can imagine myself in your own shoes . I can understand the misunderstanding with the whole throwback to the past neighborhood . Overall, I enjoyed the read , I loved the description . Good job!
