Thursday, December 11, 2014


Janie, as we all know, is the main character in Their Eyes Were Watching God. Throughout the story she finds different men to which she hopes to find true love with. However, despite all the love and what not, I feel like Janie is looking or will end up finding her true identity within the story. One aspect could be in a spiritual way. There did happen to be lots of allusion to God in the beginning of the story. Another aspect is just opinion. Before Janie meets Tea Cake we see her taking a stand against Jody, signifying she is starting to formulate a voice of her own. SPOILER ALERT! When Tea Cake dies, Janie is able to carry on just fine, despite the small guilt. This shows that she isn't dependent of Tea Cake like she was with Logan and Jody and she now can be the aggressor. 
     While Janie doesn't find true love, she does her experience with men who are handsome (to some extent) and younger than her. Talk about a cougar! She better give me her secret! Anywho, in the end I don't think Janie will find true love because she was raised on the wrong fundamentals of love, but i could be wrong. We'll see

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The lowkey baes in English

Every single day there are some people that help me get through my day in English. Do they know who they are or why? Probably not. So here we go:

Alexis: Shout out to my main heffa Batman. I cannot tell you how many times this girl my booty skin when it came to what happened in last night's chapter. I am very lazy man, and thanks to her I can go home and relax, do the notes later and still plot summary. She listens to all my commentary and although most time I get a sarcastic sigh or eyeroll, I know it's a form of love. So thank you. I highly appreciate and one day I hope your kid academically takes advantage of mine in the future. While i'm writing music and you draw the lyric video? And maybe we can duet again? ;)

Rivka: Just name is fun to say. So classy and smart. She really knows how to express herself but not too formally. I sense a underlying humor in her. Plus, she just she has such an inviting personality. I barely talk to her but sometimes I just can't resist saying hi.

Adam: Or should I say a-DAMN. As much you test my mental capacity and I test your patience, we always seem to make another laugh. You are honestly a dream come true. Don't know an answer? Don't put your head down, invest in a Flam! That's right, the thing literally pays for itself. Nah, but thanks for always being ready to answer a question when I'm too lazy to lift my hand or think. You're a cool guy.

Sally; Sally if you are reading this, just know I adore the way you are. The way you speak about any topic is filled with emotions and facts. You are so well educated and it really shows, I love it. You along with the other eager beavers in the class, always make some days too easy in English and for that I thank you.

Ellaina: I always mumble in class. Why? Because I'm too lazy to talk louder OR it's too "inappropriate" to share. However, Ellaina always giggles at my side comments. And I gotta tell you, it really helps boost my self esteem. So for that I thank you. 

Alex: Ms. Rogers if you are reading this I must commend you with a well deserved, "YAAAAS!" You are the real MVP. I love the way you express yourself in class.  Your words are so poised and fierce! I just adore it! I remember when we were talking about how anti-social the world is getting and how abbreviations are becoming normal speech and then you commented with such a vivacious response and I was like, "Wow, there's still hope for this world." Plus, you said about a week ago and we all laughed while Mr. McCarthy was so confused haha! Besides English, you are such a great friend outside of that class and on Monday we get back, those chips are mine! But thank you miss Rogers, I highly appreciate you.

Jefri: Senorita Jefri! You are actually a really cool person and I am grateful we became friends. I remember last year I hated you because you said you didn't like me even though we never met. then there was that one time  you were like "What's on your face?" And I had to respond, "It's a birthmark..." But now we on the level so turn up.

Mr. McCarthy: Thank you sir for failing to send me the email giving this assignment, and thank you Alexis for telling me. Mr. McCarthy you are quite the goof in class which I enjoy. Really glad I was put in your class. I hope you enjoy having me

Sunday, November 23, 2014

It's the principle of the thing

When you have to choose one principle among thousands, it's really hard to give a confident answer. However, I believe the world must always stay true to the principle of taking action. While this a such a broad topic, it goes hand in hand with so many aspects of life, as well as other principles some would argue that are more important. Action distinguishes itself because it will always lead to change, which is crucial to everyday life. Whether an apocalypse has occurred or you're just tired of dullness in your routine, taking action will end with advancement. Whether that advancement is towards death or a new sense of living is none of my business. The only real failure in life is not taking action.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Had a long, meaningful and fulfilled life.
Eager to write every morning.
Married four different times, usually having an affair during any marriage.
Idolized by many school teachers and literature experts.
Nobel prize in literature winner.
Greatly known and loved by everyone.
Wrote from personal life experience.
An ideal symbol of a masculine man.
Youth of today still read his works.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Six is such a weird number

Loose grip. Thick skin. Underestimated perspective.
*poke* "Did that hurt?" *smirks* "Ouch!"
"Mirrors, shattered or not, are weapons."
How to catch his attention? *click*
Baby prodigy plays minor key only
For sale: Crisp twenty dollar bill

Sunday, September 21, 2014

John Proctor: Bae or nah?

     John Proctor, a farmer in the play, The Crucible. The character, while a very dynamic character throughout the play, the categorization of this character is often put up for personal interpretation. Is he a pawn used by other characters or is he just a tragic hero who had to fall at some point? Personally, I could see John Proctor as a hero because 1) Humility. In order for a hero to be a hero, he must live with the people as one, not be praised or stand above them. John Proctor lived among the people as an well respected man. Not praised, just respected. 2) The only thing, he had one flaw. Like all hero's, John had a weakness. His weakness is he wasn't able to muster up the courage to say he had an affair with Abigail because he valued the public's opinion. So in a way, his humility became the internal battle all heroes must face. 3) An arch nemesis with a background story to go hand and hand with. This nemesis just happened to be Abigail. I think Abigail was able to manipulate john without even trying to put the effort into it, but that doesn't make him a stooge. All heroes have a point where they must retreat from battle while the villain runs a muck, the only difference is that John Proctor came back into the battle a little too late... and he fell. So in conclusion, I believe John Proctor can be viewed as a hero. NOT HE SHOULD BE, he could be. The ambiguity of characters is all up to our great minds.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

There Goes The Neighborhood

      The pavement lurches to the right and my legs follow like a train on a track. Head down in the blue light, the first few houses pass. The pounding in my ears stop momentarily, and the silence sets in. The light ceases and my head jerks up, only to be filled with melodic pounding once again. My sight is gone, light no longer lighting the path. Seconds pass, and I am able to see now, see the blur of colors and shapes for what they were on the surface. I am halfway home now. I see no people whatsoever, nor do I wish to see people. I turn the last curb and jet down in a straight line, with illuminating lights perched on poles, aligned with the street. I reach my house, walk through the cracked driveway and knock on the door. As I wait for an answer I see my neighborhood. Quaint,

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Simply little old moi

Simply Moi,

   Hey there! So my name is Alejandro Garcia. No middle name. No "Alex" as a nickname, just Alejandro, the way my father had intended it to be. However, I am referred to as Alleh by my friends.   I am currently 15 and I'm kind of just a plain old teen. I can kill a phone battery in a few hours. I enjoy being lazy then complain about my boredom. I can't live without music, like most. In fact, I love singing and my favorite song at the moment is colors of the wind, from Pocahontas. (Yes, I know it's an oldie but I just got back into it and it's my jam now. Don't judge...or do, I don't really care) I value my voice the most, although at times I feel like the worst singer on the planet. I have a pretty good range, going from low tenor too them Jessie J type high notes. I am an artsy person in general, touching on most of the aspects of the arts except dance! (That stuff looks too hard and I am a heavy child. Nu-uh! I don't play games!) I even have a youtube channel which you should check out! (It's just "N/A" #Self #Promotion) I like to think that I'm this crazy outgoing persona that I an not entirely. I am for sure crazy, but I'm surely not as out-going as I would like to think I am, which I want to change. If I am kinda awkward with you, my bad but just keep the conversation going and I will warm up to you. I don't really know what else to say other than this is for my English class, which I think is pretty cool, but yeah. Until next time! Byyyyeeeeeee!